Trump Gives the Crowd a “Fly Over” as Top Gun Memories of Cruz Fly Over at RNC Come Back

Donald J. Trump held his first campaign rally for his campaign for President 2024 in Waco Texas, and being the master showman, took an opportunity to troll his RINO opponents with a special target on Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.

Trump trolled DeSantis to Top Gun’s Danger Zone by Kenny Logins, as his plane, Trump Force One flew overhead to a massive cheering crowd:

“Out along the edge
Is always where I burn to be
The further on the edge
The hotter the intensity
Highway to the Danger Zone
I’m gonna take you
Right into the Danger Zone”

It was a direct hit.

DeSantis, made the unfortunate choice to try to slam Trump last week with a very bitter comment meant to hurt Trump as he faced a highly corrupt arrest, and then on Saturday as Trump entered the arena to make his speech, DeSantis must have felt the burn, which his supporters from 2016 will remember is something Trump is very comfortable making.

On a beautiful sunny day in Texas, a crowd of over 15,000 people had gathered in great enthusiasm to greet President Trump saying that he was their champion.

And he gave them a great show. He had prepared perfectly for this first act of his third campaign for President.





What did the flyover mean to Trump’s fans? They will remember when Fox News reported, in 2016, that Trump buried Ted Cruz at the Republican Convention after months and months of rivalry:

“Donald Trump said goodbye to Cleveland Friday, pronouncing the Republican National Convention a yuge success and launching a barrage of parting shots at GOP rival Ted Cruz, who refused to endorse Trump in a controversial speech that got the Texas senator booed off the stage.

The vindictive victory lap laid bare Trump’s simmering anger at Cruz, who brought drama to Quicken Loans Arena on Wednesday when he began a speech to cheers and ended it by garnering a raucous chorus of boos after he refused to endorse the man who had bested him,” Fox news reported.

Fox news continued from their 2016 election.

“I like Ted, he’s fine,” Trump said in a trademark, ad-libbed press conference. “I don’t need his endorsement. If he gives it to me, I will not accept it.”

Trump said if Cruz had endorsed him, it may have brightened his former rival’s future presidential prospects.

“He should have done it,” Trump said. “He would have been in better shape in four years.”

Added Trump: “He’s got intellect, but he didn’t use it.”

Trump and Cruz later ended up reconnecting as associates, but Trump does not hold his punches- that is what the American people love about him.

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