Ukraine Police Tell Bergquam There are ‘No Safe Zones From This Point On’

“This is the reality of War, not just blown up buildings, but blown up lives,” Ben Bergquam said recently as he and his crew get closer and closer to the frontlines of the hot war conflict in Ukraine. “We are heading East, where the fighting has become a stalemate,” he said, panning the area showing more damage.

Before getting to that place, Bergquam and his crew were warned about the danger that lay ahead.

Watch Ukraine Police Officer tell Real America’s Voice correspondent Bergquam, that he is headed into the War Zone:

Bergquam and Oscar El Blue are documenting the conflict in the country with Russia after spending a few days investigating the immigration problems in France, where Bergquam was almost attacked by a foreign migrant there.

While the American media has not exposed the realities of the damage to the country, there is some evidence that Americans are being blamed by Russia for funding the war. In general, there is a great deal of confusion about the details of what is happening in the region.

Bergquam videotaped the brutal reality of what this war has done:

Bergquam appeared on the War Room to discuss the situation with Steve Bannon, host of the War Room:

See our previous coverage here: