Unbelievable Poverty Being Imported By The Democrats, Bergquam Torches The Left’s Policies With Reality

Ben Bergquam took his viewers for a quick trip around one neighborhood in a San Diego, California, tent city. He torched the policies of the Democrats, who are making everything worse there.

“Importing this poverty is not sustainable, America. Its blocks after block of this,” Bergquam said. “The government is incentivizing this. Everything the Democrats are doing is making things worse here. “

Open borders and Democrat policies that entice some of the North American content’s poorest people to come to America for free resources have caused lawlessness in American neighborhoods as seen in Bergquam’s video, where people were aimlessly wandering from their shanty style dwellings through the streets, barefoot and in a trance.

“I just came across the border, and I am in San Diego. I want to show you what the Democrats are inviting here. They are inviting more and more illegals to come into our country- to break into our country- to take up more of our resources, this is what all of our cities and metropolitan areas across our country are starting to look like,” Bergquam said.

You won’t believe the despair and poverty he uncovered right on the street in beautiful San Diego. You have to watch this and share it.


Watch this video, and please share this article, this video. Follow Ben Bergquam on Twitter, and please subscribe to his YouTube channel.

“The Democrats are doing this. This is extortion. Anyone who is for open borders is helping the drug cartels and politicians know it,” Bergquam said.

Watch Ben Bergquam call the Democrats out for what he has called the crimes of our generation.


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