Matt Gaetz went there- he vacated the speaker’s seat:
The video below is an Epic speech that everyone needs to listen to; Matt Gaetz is asking some very interesting questions about possible secret deals made by Speaker Kevin McCarthy and radical Democrat Joe Biden to take money from Americans and fund Ukraine- which is not even popular with Republicans.
And then Gaetz shook the earth-
So Gaetz is acting in a historic role right now by slamming McCarthy, who is defiant and cutting deals with Democrats to get what he wants. The battle lines have been drawn.

And by the way, we have been here before. There are other times when a Republican rebelled against a Republican speaker, in 1910 there was a revolt against the Republican speaker.
Gaetz slammed McCarthy for running to the Democrats- saying they can have him, see that Footage.
Listen to this excellent speech by Gatez that started it all: