‘Wild Country Now’ Biden is not Stopping Illegal Immigration, Just Renaming it

Ben Bergquam, the host of Real America’s Voice show Law and Border, has been investigating the cause and effects of the massive human migration into the United States that is intentionally causing such chaos and pressure that our lawful immigration process and our law enforcement resources to protect Americans, has been destroyed- as the radical Democrat administration reacts to the emergency they, themselves, created.

Biden promised to “modernize the wall’ in an early May 2023 statement. Still, according to independent journalists, he is doing the opposite on the wall to make illegal immigration more comfortable for them and also creating more of a hardship for law enforcement:

Such action is a typical scheme of the Marxist left to destroy law and order and our Constitutional Republic. As pressure builds outside the US Border with Mexico, a humanitarian crisis has built at the same time the United States has lowered the expectations of migrants seeking asylum to the point massive groups of people believe they can just walk over the borders and into the country – bypassing all of our immigration laws.

Bergquam and his associates have uncovered the Democrat’s newest scheme to allow migrants from all over the world to come into the county and make their home here, while we have no information about these people at all, creating a dangerous situation.

“It’s all a lie! They’re not stopping illegal immigration. They’re just changing the definition!” Bergquam reported, reposting a tweet by reporter Todd Bensman, with more details on the situation:

Earlier in May, Biden had released a press statement that he intended to work with Mexico to allow the third world into the US:

Mexico and the United States Strengthen Joint Humanitarian Plan on Migration

Today, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador of Mexico and U.S. Homeland Security Advisor Dr. Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall met in Mexico City to build on the successful migration initiative that President López Obrador and President Biden announced in January 2023. Following that meeting, the United States and Mexico are announcing a set of additional measures to address the humanitarian situation caused by unprecedented migration flows at our shared border and in the region. 
First, Mexico and the United States will increase joint actions to counter-human smugglers and traffickers that are exploiting migrants. This complements the 60-day surge campaign that the United States recently launched with Colombia and Panama to counter human smuggling in the Darien. 
Second, the two countries committed to continue to enhance their efforts in Central America to address the root causes of migration and expand legal pathways. Specifically, Mexico and the United States will redouble their development efforts that focus on people-to-people support.
Third, Mexico recognized the great potential value of the regional processing centers that the United States announced last week, and discussed how Mexico can contribute to their effectiveness. The United States intends to welcome as many as 100,000 individuals from Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador under the family reunification parole processes that Secretary Mayorkas announced last week.
Fourth, Mexico and the United States commit to continue the successful joint initiative that President López Obrador and President Biden announced in January 2023 beyond May 11, 2023.  This initiative – which combines expanded legal pathways with consequences for irregular migration – achieved a 95 percent drop in border encounters of individuals from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela at our shared border. Today, the United States committed to continue to welcome individuals from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela under our parole process. For its part, Mexico will continue to accept back migrants on humanitarian grounds. 
Fifth, we affirm our commitment to modernize our 2000-mile shared border. To that end, President Biden approved moving forward on a Presidential Permit to advance the expansion of Calexico East Land Port of Entry. We jointly commit to take steps to finalize this project by the end of the year – a step that will benefit both the U.S. and Mexican economies.


Bergquam has uncovered that there is a scheme to hide what is really going on- from independent media and from the American people:


And consider our coverage of the ‘Build It Act’: