In Wisconsin, a critical battleground state for the 2024 election, a concerned citizen has sounded an alarm to Real America’s Voice (RAV) investigative reporter Ben Bergquam regarding voter registration policies that have been expanded to allow homeless individuals to use charity addresses to establish residency for voter registration purposes.
The issue surfaced to Bergquam when a viewer of Real America’s Voice (RAV) voiced her concerns about the potential impact of the policy on the integrity of the 2024 election.
“Here is the form the Wisconsin Election Commission is issuing to clerks for guidance. Remember, WI has same-day voter registration, so you can register and cast a ballot immediately. If you scroll down to section 8 on page 2, you’ll see (about halfway down) the Homeless voter guidance. All it takes is a letter from a charity saying they are caring for you and will allow you to register and cast a ballot. In training, the WEC trainer specifically used Catholic Charities as an example and said, “If you receive a letter on letterhead from Catholic Charities, you must register the homeless person to vote.”
Which is curious because WI had a recent ruling on the WI Catholic Charities:
Bergquam, host of Law and Border, is known for his investigative work on the border crisis. He expressed deep concern over the electoral system’s vulnerability.
“We know that large charity organizations like Catholic Charities are profiting from the border crisis, so this situation is concerning and needs more investigation,” Bergquam told Frontline America.
Having traveled extensively and witnessed firsthand the presence of homeless individuals, including illegals, Bergquam highlighted the potential for abuse of the voter registration process.
“Considering the number of people in the country who are not citizens, this is a time to make sure we are protecting the integrity of our elections not coming up with ways to make it easier for people to exploit our system of trust,” Bergquam remarked.
According to the WI election website, there was a revision of the Homeless policy on Sept. 25, 2020, right before the election that year that states:
“Wisconsin’s election law embodies a commitment to facilitate voting for all qualified individuals, including those who happen to be homeless at the time of the election. The information in this memorandum is designed to facilitate the participation of qualified individuals while protecting the integrity of the electoral process. All qualified Wisconsin electors must be provided with the opportunity to help choose the elected governmental representatives who develop and implement policies that affect them.
Establishing Residency
Any United States citizen aged 18 or older who is not otherwise disqualified may vote in Wisconsin if he or she meets the statutory residency requirements. Qualified individuals must have lived in Wisconsin for at least 28 days. These persons must have an identifiable location that they consider their residence for voting purposes and to which they intend to return, when absent.
Homeless individuals may designate a fixed location for their residence for voting purposes if it is an identifiable location in the state of Wisconsin which could conceivably serve as a temporary residence. This location may be a homeless shelter, a park bench, or other location where a homeless individual may spend time or return to when absent.
A homeless individual may claim a shelter for the homeless as his or her residence for voting purposes, notwithstanding any restriction in the shelter’s rules prohibiting its use as a residence address. “Residence” for voting purposes is distinct from other types of residence.”
According to an ABC report from 2020:
“In all 50 states, people experiencing homelessness can register and vote, however there can be special challenges when it comes to voter registration. The Sacramento County elections website lets people register to vote online and provides insight into voting when people don’t have a home address. “
According to Bergquam’s source, the alarm was raised for her when it was revealed that the Wisconsin Election Commission allegedly issued guidance to election clerks regarding homeless voter registration.
“Section 8 on page 2 of the provided form outlines the procedures for homeless individuals to register to vote using a letter from a charity confirming their care,” the source explained to Bergquam.
According to the source, during training sessions, clerks of organizations such as Catholic Charities were specifically mentioned, indicating that letters from such charities would suffice for voter registration purposes.
The concern stems from the potential for abuse, as individuals without a fixed address, including non-citizens, could exploit the system by obtaining letters from charitable organizations, who may have a conflict of interest, to register and cast ballots, potentially impacting the outcome of elections.
Critics of same-day voting, where people can register to vote and then vote on the same day, argue that such policies undermine the integrity of the electoral process and open the door to fraudulent activities.
Advocates of stronger election integrity emphasize the need for robust safeguards to ensure that only eligible citizens participate in elections and that the sanctity of the democratic process is upheld.
As the debate continues, stakeholders in American elections are calling for a thorough review of voter registration policies to address vulnerabilities and strengthen safeguards against potential exploitation, particularly in the context of addressing homelessness and immigration issues.
The implications of these policies extend beyond partisan concerns, raising fundamental questions about the fairness and credibility of democratic elections in the United States.
The forms do show that a photo ID is required to establish residency for homeless individuals using charity forms; however, what we know about illegals getting driver’s licenses and other forms of ID without having to develop citizenship raises more concerns.
According to numerous sources, Illegals in the U.S. may obtain a driver’s license in the following places, and this list is growing:
- California
- Colorado
- Connecticut
- Delaware
- District of Columbia
- Hawaii
- Illinois
- Maryland
- Nevada
- New Jersey
- New Mexico
- New York
- Oregon
- Utah
- Vermont
- Virginia
- Washington
As Bergquam says, there is good reason to do more investigations to ensure we are protecting the interest of the American people.
Proof of Residence Requirement for WI:

Explanation of Proof of Resident Documents included (see highlighted) Letters giving Homeless people residence status for ballot verification.

Full Form:
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— Ben Bergquam – Real America’s Voice (RAV-TV) News (@BenBergquam) April 2, 2024
More of our reporting on elections and Catholic Charities: