Wye Hill Doubles Down On Denial Of Service Of Mom For Being Associated With Moms For Liberty-Tik Tok Threats

Wye Hill is a restaurant in Raleigh that finds itself in controversy over the topic of graphic novels in public schools and appears to condone the denial of service to a Mom, the harassment of other Moms, and the outright threats to a family- all because they demand schools carry books which are offensive to many parents.

Update, Katherine Johnson disabled her Tik Tok, where she threatens Julie Page- but we have copies. Thank you to GETTR for letting host it- go to the 3:00 min mark:

We covered the story of a Mom who was denied service of a happy hour event at a Raleigh restaurant called Wye Hill, and the following harassment and threats by a leftist on her Tik Tok page- now we bring you evidence by a company that refuses to talk to anyone about why they did what they did.

Here is the evidence of threats:

And inĀ  their social media posts they have their focus on the dissemination of graphic novels to teach school-aged children about homosexuality.


Gone are the days when Americans could debate issues or even disagree. These are the days of Pride Month in North Carolina and your refusal to affirm homosexuality- even to elementary-aged children will mean you will likely face political intimidation and threats of violence- and some small businesses are just fine with that because they claim they are the tolerant and inclusionary ones.