Ahead of Real America’s Voice E. Palestine town hall for the People, Buttigieg and Biden are Unmasked

Just as Frontline America covered, even supporters of Bernie Sanders know that it is totally unjust and unfair- and reckless- to funnel emergency resources and provisions to an area of hurting Americans based on politics and not on need.

And just like Democrat Joe Biden has abandoned the people of East Palestine, Ohio, all Americans know that Biden is just not that ‘into us”.

As authoritarian leftists, the radical Democrats in power are pleased to pick winners and losers, and here is another example of their outright hatred for the people of the United States versus their favoritism of people who will obey them

The Crony Democrats have been exposed, unmasked, and caught denying the people of East Palestine Ohio help on an environmental disaster the Dem. administration likely helped create.

“They want us to move money around to blue states, so they appoint leaders of the group to make sure the money goes where they want it, to a blue state,” footage of a man, whose voice is altered and image is blurred out is seen and heard talking to a reporter on a busy street.

Real America’s Voice and founder of Frontline America, Ben Bergquam, highlighted the reporting of Benny Johnson recently in the shocking undercover report that crushes the real motives of Democrat secretary of Defense Pete Buttigieg as being totally political.

According to the whistleblower, Buttigieg is directing taxpayer-funded resources to other areas than working-class East Palestine.

That is what the people on the ground in East Palestine say they feel like- that they have been abandoned- so it makes sense.

The people of East Palestine called for help and one person answered, and it was not anyone from the administration of Democrat Joe Biden, who has been unmasked as acting totally along political lines:

President Donald J. Trump, a candidate for POTUS 2024 visited the area and gave a press conference earlier in the month:

ABC News reported on Buttigieg’s reaction to Trump giving attention to the people in the area, whom they had deemed as unworthy deplorables- and not good enough for assistance:

“Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg on Sunday had sharp words for the chorus of Republican-led critics to his response to the toxic train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio, in February.

In an interview with CNN, Buttigieg offered his most vociferous defense to date, seeking to rebut claims that the Biden administration doesn’t care about the blue-collar town by casting his detractors as the ones truly out of touch.

“It’s really rich to see some of these folks — the former president [Donald Trump], these Fox hosts — who are literally lifelong card-carrying members of the East Coast elite, whose top economic policy priority has always been tax cuts for the wealthy, and who wouldn’t know their way around a T.J. Maxx if their life depended on it, to be presenting themselves as if they genuinely care about the forgotten middle of the country,” Buttigieg said.

The transportation chief, a former mayor of South Bend, Indiana, who also ran for president in 2020, took specific aim at Trump, who visited East Palestine last month.

While in East Palestine, Trump praised local responders and said, “What this community needs now are not excuses … but answers and results.”

Bergquam has been on the ground interviewing the people in the area and exposing the dangerous situation that Biden and his transportation secretary have been ignoring:


Real America’s Voice and the John Fredericks show, along with Steve Bannon’s War Room and Ben Bergquam, will host a town hall for the people of East Palestine on Tuesday, March 28.

What they have to say about this Benny Johnson report will be very interesting.