As Populist Trump Rises, Control Freak Leftists Show Their Racist True Colors- Robin D’Angelo Pulls a ‘Scott Adams’

Thought leader and liberal figurehead Robin D’Angelo is pimping out an idea that is exactly the same as something that Scott Adams said that got him canceled- she wants Black people to stay away from White people. Oh and if you disagree with her, she wants you removed from society. Are you thinking…Hello NAZI? Don’t … Read more

Historic Power Shift: Christian DEM Switches Sides To Give GOP Super Majority, First Time in History, While State Goes on 19th Week Of ‘Big Tent’ Revival

This has not happened in 210 years in the embattled state of Lousianna, where Republicans had a supermajority in their state General Assembly of lawmakers, and the timing is interesting- to say the least. The people of Louisiana have faced historic fraud and political corruption. Before he departed his position, former FBI New Orleans’ special-agent-in-charge … Read more