Bannon Rant! Vote The Bums Out For This Woke Energy Crisis

Elites in the US and the UK governments have created such a mess for people with their stupid ideas that it is going to cause a loss of life this winter, according to experts, as the cost of energy is reaching prices that make fuel out of the reach of people who are not wealthy.

COUP WATCH: ‘The President Doesn’t HAVE Security Clearances, He IS Security Clearance’ Posobiec Breaks It Down

Jack Psobiec from Human Events Daily, appeared on the War Room with Steve Bannon on Saturday to talk about what Psobiec has dubbed the “preemptive coup of 2024” also known as the actions of what Bannon has described as the ‘administrative state’; all better known as the people who are invested in keeping Donald J. Trump out of Washington DC and away from upsetting their ‘gravy train’ at the expense of the American people.

Rank Choice Voting- Hot Topic

This weekend “Rank Choice Voting” is a hot topic for Americans to hear about. According to Ballotpedia: “A ranked-choice voting system (RCV) is an electoral system in which voters rank candidates by preference on their ballots. If a candidate wins a majority of first-preference votes, he or she is declared the winner. If no candidate … Read more

‘Where Is BLM? ANyway?’ Bergquam Notices Lack Of Communist Protestors All Of Sudden

Ben Bergquam, a Real America’s Voice correspondent, had a great question about the disappearance of the leftist riots and protests. “Why has BLM disappeared since Biden stole office? Shootings of unarmed black man have not decreased; they are the same low numbers they’ve always been. The left simply uses racism to push their communist agenda … Read more

Shout Out To Steve Bannon

Ben Bergquam was out for a run recently and ran into some fans of Steve Bannon, host of the War Room, and got a chance to say hello- hoping the message would get to Bannon. Ben was happy to help. “Shoutout to the Stolte’s who caught me on my run today. They had a message … Read more