‘It’s An Invasion!’ Texas Is Under Attack, Biden Silent

Texas has had it with the disaster on the Southern Border and some of them took the unprecedented move on Tuesday to rightfully call the situation there an ‘invasion’. About the Press Conference: Watch comments: New York Post reported: Several Texas counties declared a border “invasion” on Tuesday in a move to pressure the state’s … Read more

‘Impeach Biden’ Movement Blazes Foward

Actor Jon Voigt made a plea to impeach Democrat Joe Biden that quickly went viral on Tuesday, just one day after our 2022 Independence Day celebrations. “We’re all angry. And let’s remember why- it starts with the seat of the president of the United States. He has wronged this nation’s Glory. He is taken down … Read more

Biden’s First 18 Months: US Taxpayers Pay For Increase In Illegal Migrants ‘The Size Of The State Of West Virginia’

In his opening statements, Rep. Tom McClintock (R-CA) gave opening remarks during a House Judiciary Subcommittee hearing on Immigrant Military Members & Veterans that slammed the Democrat administration of Joe Biden. In his target was Secretary of Homeland Security Myorkas. In April, secretary Myorkas told this committee in sworn testimony that the southern border is … Read more

Border Judges To Declare Invasion, Point To Biden As Cause

History is being made- counties in Texas are declaring an official invasion on our Southern Border. Democrat Joe Biden is seen as the cause of the many problems we have seen coming out of the poor security at the border. Multiple Texas counties to declare border crisis an ‘invasion’ as numbers increase The invasion declaration … Read more

Expert: Biden’s Policies Are Causing Deadly Invasion, It’s Going To Get Worse Than Report Shows

NEW UN migration study deems US-Mexico border ‘deadliest’ land route in the world based on 2021 numbers. Border Patrol agents have encountered record numbers of migrants in recent years, and experts say to get ready for much worse. A new study has labeled the border crossing between the U.S. and Mexico the deadliest migration land route in … Read more