Violent Biden Supporter Arrested And Detained After Instigating Violence At Trump Rally, No One Took The Bait

A Democrat activist, representing Democrat Joe Biden, infiltrated an Arizona rally in support of President Donald J. Trump on Sunday, agitating a group of attendees, making threats, and acting as if she was about to attack people. It appears that the activist, who is a California resident, had changed her Twitter account for the AZ … Read more

Polls Show Massive Rebuke Of Democrat Party Ahead of Mid-Terms

A new Gallup Poll shows “a dramatic shift over the course of 2021, from a nine-percentage-point Democratic advantage in the first quarter to a rare five-point Republican edge in the fourth quarter.” Key Point: the MAGA-America First policy agenda is bringing voters into the Republican Party, and that is changing politics ahead of the 2022 … Read more

Democrats Got Their Kill Switch In Our Cars, Will People Finally Vote Against Democrats in 2022 To Stop It?

Democrats have passed a new law that could potentially require all new cars to install kill switches, supposedly so that law enforcement can control vehicles at their discretion to mitigate drunk driving and police chases. However, anyone who has been watching politicos lately could reasonably predict that allowing the US Government to have that sort … Read more

Biden’s Lies: On Vaccines And The Patriot Act- Voters Beware!

The days of uninterested and disconnected eligible- American voters may be coming to an end if the American people wake up and follow the bread crumb trail that is leading from hoax to hoax and scheme to scheme by an out-of-control federal government. Key Point: American voters need to pay close attention to the discussion … Read more