Caught On Film! Flare Shot Over US Capitol Two Minutes Before Ashli Babbitt Shot And Killed [VIDEO]

Democrats and Never Trumpers have made a cottage industry over their narrative about what happened on January 6th at the US Capitol, and they don’t seem at all interested in anything that might point away from them framing themselves as the victims, even when there is obvious video footage that combats their lies. With their … Read more

J6 EXCLUSIVE: Freak Out! SOS William Gavin, Invades Old North Church, Will Warn Of Coming Attack By Sea!

January 6th is shaping up to be a powerful tool for Democrats to use to bludgeon their political opponents, and they appear ready to exploit everything they have access to using to hurt and dismay Americans. Even after two years of constant turmoil over COVID, Democrats are prepared to sting Americans again. “We are having … Read more

Graphic Verbal Attacks On Conservative Women- Rick Wilson’s Melt Down Continues, Goes After FLOTUS Trump And MTG

Failed political strategist and Never Trumper, Rick Wilson is the sweetheart of the Administrative State, and he is at war with Conservatives- especially  Conservative women. On Tuesday, Wilson, who claims to be a Republican, yet who supports radical far-left Democrat Joe Biden, verbally attacked Melania Trump, former First Lady, in a sleazy show of how … Read more

Redistricting! NC GOP Fight ‘Insane Dem Expert” Who Plays Ultimate Race Card In Desperate Plea For Control

Ahead of historic 2022 mid-term elections and primaries, North Carolina, which went for President Donald J. Trump in 2020, but somehow ended up with Roy Cooper-the most radical far-left Governor in the country, is going to court over elections maps that could direct all public policy for generations.  ABC News reported on the trail in … Read more