Communist Olympics Under Scrutiny From Around The World

The 2022 Winter Olympics, to be held in Bejing, China, have yet to start, and already people are very unhappy about the behavior of the host country, for their long time and historical practices of harming humanity.  The American Marxist left is barely at all concerned, while much of the rest of the world is … Read more

Biden Is Just Not That Into You America: Unprepared East Coast Gets Hammered By Snow Storm- Where Was The Warning?

When Democrat Joe Biden talked about the dark winter of our discontent, he may not have understood how his weak leadership would result in his own pain and discomfort. Considering how the snowstorms have blasted the east coast this week, people should see a cautionary tale about who they vote for to run the government.  … Read more

Christians Showing Defiance To The New World Order Against Christianity

The following story highlights the persecution of Christians from two different denominations, in three different countries. One Protestant preacher in Candada, a group of Catholics in France, and a Catholic Priest in the United States- all rebelled against their governments at Christmas time and should serve as a cautionary tale for the Christian Church in … Read more

Follow The Money: Big Tech Censors Conservative Children’s Book Seller

As Debate around the country rages on about how appropriate it is to have sexually explicit graphic novels in school libraries for school children, Facebook has been caught limiting the potential reach of Children’s book publishers- because their authors like Conservative heroes. “Our books are designed to inspire children. We invested much of our seed … Read more

2 SCOTUS Cases Could Drain ‘The Swamp’: The Administrative State Under Attack

The term “Administrative State” is making its way into the mainstream lexicon after five years of Americans seeing vigorous and violent opposition to the agenda of Populist President Donald J. Trump for his focus on deregulating bloated and menacing public institutions.  Popularly known as “The Swamp” or, interchangeably- the “The Deep State”, the Administrative State … Read more