Grifters Exposed, Clinton Foundation Is Broke

Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch, reported on something that MSM refuses to see; Hillary Clinton’s Non Profit is now defunct. That fact would trigger government investigations if we had equal justice under the law. However, most Americans understand there is indeed a two-tiered system of justice in America with well connected political elite allowed … Read more

Is NC School Survey Data Linked To Mental Health And Juvenile Justice Experimentations? You Decide

Orange County, North Carolina School District is what is considered to be an extreme far-left district due to their focus on Equity training, focus on sexuality for children,  Culturally Responsive Teaching style and their promotion of alternative lifestyles and gender issues.  The nerve center of instruction at the school appears to be  through their equity … Read more

Quick Hit: Bette Midler Freaks Out And I Got Censored By Twitter

Liberal privilege is displayed perfectly here! Watch as I expose the double stands and fragility of the left and expose their rear guards on Twitter. So much for the holiday season and goodwill! So much for brotherhood! How about for the golden age of Hollywood- gone are civility and decency! So much for all of … Read more