US Infiltrated: Chinese Immigrant Used Powerful Positions To Assist The Chinese Communist Party

On Monday the US Department of Justice released the following press statement, hopefully leading people to see that we need a full and complete audit of who has security clearances- and why: Former Air War College Professor Pleads Guilty to Making False Statements About Relationship with Government Official in China A civilian professor at the … Read more

Cannibalism Taught In Georgia School With Graphic Novel Of Smut, Teachers Developing Their Own Social Justice Lessons

A school teacher in Georgia appears to have developed their teaching materials to teach students about raising and eating human babies.  It was presented as ‘satire,’ but rational people understand that this shocking display of stupidity was meant to normalize a foreign practice, cannibalism, which is not legal in the United States. “In the lesson … Read more

Shame On Schools: Mom Leaks High School Physics ‘Gender’ Assignement For Our Deconstruction

A foreign fantasy about human sexuality has invaded schools, introducing odd ideas to school-age children- such as the concepts of humans having the choice of being binary or nonbinary; teachers are telling students that people can choose their gender, or change their gender as they see fit. Shame on them! As nonsensical, illogical, and irrational … Read more