Unique First Hand Report From Border, Where Is the Media? “I Expect Up To 1 Million People To Try To Cross”

The American Media is willfully ignoring a dangerous and reckless set of events that are unfolding on the southern border in broad daylight, including pleas from people on both sides of the border that a humanitarian crisis is happening. Ben Bergquam has recently spent weeks in communities in both the United States and Mexico, where … Read more

Fighting For Freedom and Having Fun: ‘Democrats are Lunatics’, Ben Finds a Good Laugh Night Before Border Special Airs On Real America’s Voice

Ben Bergquam stopped for a moment on his whirlwind trip around the southern border to poke a little good-natured fun at far-left radical Democrat Governor of California Gavin Newsome. After watching and filming foot chases of drug cartels, by Mexican Border Patrol officers, and after seeing the human debris left behind in caves that showed … Read more