Make Way for the People: Rappers Love Trump, and That Makes Perfect Sense

There is no school like the old school.. here is proof:

Rap has always been a people’s movement against the haughty elite control freaks and political monsters who steal power from the people, so it makes perfect sense that rappers today would love President Trump now as much as they did back in the 1980s.

Trump never changed his focus on returning power to the American people, and that is why the out-of-control government hates him so much… it is because he threatens their power. And rap fans know what is going on.

“We are trying to make America Great- Democrats want you live in Section 8”:

It is so simple, and these rappers understand that, and now they are getting political. That is good news for Trump, because rap music can move people right into the voting booth in November 2024.

Check this out:

Real America’s Voice. Ben Bergquam had a chance to talk to billboard chart-busting- Fogitio Blow -about a new Hispanic outreach recently, just in time for a new Trump tune to hit the airwaves:

And it is not just Blow who is out there- busting a rhyme for Trump and the Populist movement:

Check out our other coverage of Rap’s love for Trump:




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