Red Flag Furry: Open Letter To Thom Tillis From NC 2A Grassroots

US Senate Thom Tillis (RINO-NC) refuses to stop hurting people with his abuse of power- as he gleefully slams more Americans who trusted him to represent voters. Tillis, a money-grubbing, fame-seeking leftist- dressed up as a Republican- has never demonstrated any respect for American civil liberties. Now Tills has decided to support an unconstitutional power … Read more

Special Texas Border Agents Ended Deadly School Shooting

Customs and Border Protection is a ubiquitous presence in many Texas communities, and agents are often first responders. When they aren’t busy trying to protect Americans from the disastrous open border agenda of Democrat Joe Biden, they are saving school children from mass murder. Of course, the left hates them and often makes their jobs … Read more