AIRPORT FULL OF DHS INVADERS: Thanksgiving Travel will be Full of Human Trafficking, According to Source

Ben Bergquam, a correspondent for Real America’s Voice and host of Law and Border, reported from the airports in Phoenix and Tuscon, Arizona, that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) was commenting acts of hyprocraiacy by encouraging people to report evidence of human trafficking, at the same time they were trafficking humans by the thousands, through the United States by way of the airport.

We have known about the DHS program to fly illegals around the country for a long time. Media sources have been reporting on such activity for over a year.

In September, the Washington Examiner reported on some of the details of Biden flying illegals around:

“The Biden administration has unleashed a new program to boost illegal immigration that allows immigrants to fly directly from their hometowns into a U.S. city of their choice, according to newly obtained records.

Instead of rushing the Texas border, the program lets immigrants use the administration’s app to pick a destination, buy an airline ticket, and fly in unseen on what amounts to ghost flights.”

Except they are not ghost flights anymore; now they are right in our faces. And Bergquam took the time to film the evidence. His footage shows more of the insanity of the Joe Biden administration and their obsession with flooding the United States with foreigners.

Check out Bergquam’s footage:

Here is what Bergquam reported:

“Just landed back at the Phoenix Airport and not surprisingly just about every flight has illegals. The majority that I saw today were from sub-Saharan Africa, but they’re coming from everywhere. Spoke to one of my friends who works in the unaccompanied minors program and they said Thanksgiving and Christmas are the highest numbers for child being shipped around the country,” Bergquam said, adding:

“I wonder if Joe Biden and the Democrats see them as gifts to their cartel trafficking accomplices. *Wait until you see what I found in a Tucson bathroom. That video is coming next!

Then Bergquam posted it.. there it is, proof of total hypocrisy:

“From the Tucson Airport bathroom – and just in case you were wondering, there was no one in the other stalls. That would’ve been weird. Expose the left! #StopDemocratTrafficking#TrumpWasRight#Trump2024


Bergquam has reported the perils of the flight program before:

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See our other reporting on what is happening at the airports and the motivations for this illegal invasion:



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