Border Guardians in Ballistic Vests: Facing the Reality of War-Drone Threats from Cartel, Border is a War Zone

La Joya Lieutenant, M.Casas Reveals Challenges of Border Enforcement Amidst Federal Inaction

Ben Bergquam appeared on the WarRoom with Steve Bannon to interview a Lieutenant from La Joya Texas, M. Casas. Casas painted a stark picture of the daily battle against illegal migration and crime at the border, focusing on the war-like reality of the situation, giving shocking details of struggles faced by law enforcement officers amidst an increasingly complex and dangerous landscape.

The Lieutenant emphasized to Bannon that the battle against Mexican drug gangs is relentless, describing it as an ongoing struggle that requires wartime tactics. He expressed the sentiment of feeling abandoned by the Federal government in their fight against criminals.

One of the most pressing concerns for Casas is the constant threat posed by smugglers and criminals exploiting the vulnerabilities of the border wall. He describes the border wall not just as a physical barrier, but as a battleground where law enforcement officers don ballistic vests and helmets, wary of potential attacks from drones dropping grenades or other harmful objects.

Moreover, Casas sheds light on the shifting dynamics of migration and enforcement. While the United States grapples with its own crisis, he points out the proactive measures taken by Mexican authorities, acknowledging their efforts in addressing the migration crisis. However, he also notes the frustration among Mexican residents with the ongoing situation, emphasizing the need for collaboration and action from both sides of the border.

In a candid assessment, he criticizes the federal government’s perceived abandonment of local law enforcement agencies, citing the lack of support and resources provided. Despite the challenges, he emphasizes the La Joya Police Department’s determination to protect their community and stem the flow of illegal activity.

Highlighting the escalating risks officers face on the ground, Casas recounts a recent incident involving a high-speed crash. Survivors, identified as escaped military combatants from Ukraine, were later transported to Nevada, underscoring the international ramifications of the border crisis.

He also focused on the upcoming Presidential elections, warning of swift changes that could impact communities on both sides of the border. Even with the uncertainty, law enforcement remains vigilant, utilizing the best available equipment and strategies to ensure the safety of their residents.


In the cold open it is interesting to not that the Corporate media is catching up to Bergquam’s reporting on the use of ladder crews by cartel members:

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