BREAK THE FEVER: National Moment of Truth Over Looming Shutdown and Casting of Vision for Future

“If you want something you have never had, you must be willing to do something you have never done.” has been popularly attributed to Thomas Jefferson- but there is no proof he actually said that.. but it is good- isn’t it?

It sounds like something Steve Bannon would say, however. And that is just a little reminder that we live in revolutionary times if you know where to look.

A wild exchange on Sunday between Fox News host Maria Bartiroma and US Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) showed that things are rushing toward a government shutdown because Republicans can not agree with each other about how things are supposed to be getting done for the American people.

Bartiroma’s sharp words for Gaetz went viral. They were just one point on a rocky continuum of spectacle that is unfolding in Washington DC this month over what some Republicans feel is a ‘woke’ government that is too far centralized and too expensive.

Gaetz is one of those Republicans. He took the opportunity on Sunday morning to explain what is happening with the Speaker of the House, US Rep. Kevin McCarthy, who wants a more status quo approach to funding the government.

Gaetz says McCarthy is participating in “Failure theater,” causing Gaetz to protest what he identifies as broken promises by the leader to address the spending problems, and he also is accusing McCarthy of “fiddling as Rome burns.”

But Gatez does have small victories, as Bartiroma tossed out, in defense of what she says McCarthy is doing to appease Gaetz and the others who are holding out from voting to keep the open.

“We are making Kevin make those changes, and we will continue to do it,” Gaetz said to an openly frustrated Bartiromo, who cited her own reasoning for taking a more measured approach to unifying the Republicans so that the power of the House does not fall into the hands of the Democrats.

“We want line-by-line spending and Kevin wants to approve the whole government with one vote. I say this is time to make a change on spending. I want to break the fever and stop the spending,” Gaetz told Bartiroma.

That is when things got steamy. Watch:

And cooler heads prevailed. Then something interesting happened by Monday morning; Bartiromo changed her tune.


“You are right. @RepMattGaetz made a very good argument. And my thinking is evolving. I was happy to have him on,” Bariroma posted in response to a tweet from US Rep. Dan Bishop (R-NC).

Fortunately for the Populists, Gatez still has someone fanning the fire to go for more and more control over spending.

Enter Steve Bannon.

Bannon’s War Room program is instrumental in explaining the inside action of the looming shutdown to the regular Americans who have been shut out of the process for so long. Those are the people Bannon champions, the working-class men and women Bannon calls the “backbone of the country.”

Bannon calls his audience the “protagonists” in the story, who hold power over pushing people like Gaetez over the victory line.

Bannon, in his “No Guts, No Glory” style, is making even his allies like Bartiroma in DC feel the stretch of their limits, but Bannon is not stopping when he sees their fear or hesitation over whether they can pull this off and cut spending and keep power; he is pushing harder.

Monday’s War Room was epic; the whole show was a MUST watch as Bannon deconstructed the shutdown situation for the laypeople in the nation:

Here is what we know:

Midnight on September 30, 2023, will be an hour of reckoning for the United States of America as sides are being formed in an epic battle between warring political factions.

Bannon and his War Room audience and their allies, like Gaetz, are pushing very hard and making demands for something very painful to the civil servants in Washington DC- fiscal responsibility and accountability to the American people.

That is the government’s intention, but that is not how the system has been run for decades, resulting in a lack of liberty for the American people.

Those are the concerns of the people who are pushing and demanding.

“Our system is corrupt, so we sit on a 33 Trillion dollar debt problem,” Gatez told Bannon when he appeared on Monday’s program.

“Corrupt and failing,” Bannon added.

Here is the Epic second half:

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