A Story of Border Realities Impacting American Communities
Ben Bergquam, known for his reporting from the southern border, has been shedding light on the consequences of open border policies along the towns and cities closest to the border for years most prominently with his series Law & Border on Real America’s Voice News.
Recently, he’s taken his investigations beyond the southern border to cities across America as far north as Chicago, Illinois and New York City, New York. His Frontline America crew has chronicled his investigative journalism and reporting.
Teaming up with local reporters and concerned citizens, Bergquam uncovered the frustrations of American citizens and witnessed the impact on their neighborhoods firsthand. He thought New York was bad but Chicago may be as bad- if not worse.
During his initial trip to Chicago, Bergquam, alongside local reporter and aficionado Mark Weyermuller, visited numerous locations housing illegal immigrants awaiting their asylum court dates and more permanent accommodations. Witnessing open drug deals and hearing reports of crimes committed by facility residents, Bergquam captured the sentiments of Southside residents who feel overwhelmed by rising crime and dwindling resources.
Watch a live drug deal on the streets of Chicago:
During these investigations, one local patriot, Terry Newsome from Chicago, emerged, determined to document the consequences of open border policies in his community with a unique tactic – by investigating the crime rate around the centers where illegals are gathering and being housed.
This video footage is from Newsome’s collection of investigations:
“This is my first visit to the Inn of Chicago. I went alone. Again, this hotel is clearly only for illegals!”
More footage from Newsme’s collection shows that the inside of the Hotel was being protected:
The evidence that the Hotel is being used to house and process people who are in the country illegally, although with permission from the Democrat administration of Joe Biden, is right out in the open.
However, understanding the status of illegal immigrants in crime statistics is difficult because they are often labeled as ‘refugees’ or ‘asylum seekers’ by the media; Newsome embarked on his own research, uncovering startling truths about the escalation of crime, which he shared with Bergquam and Frontline America to break.
Bergquam’s efforts have long revealed a concerning trend: the influx of illegal immigrants, guided by global non-governmental organizations ( NGOs) like the United Nations and Catholic Charities, not only strains resources but also fuels crime rates.
And now we have some more data to build on that understanding:
After initially visiting the Inn of Chicago, Newsome noticed metal detectors and security wands as he tried to enter the building and thought to himself, if they have those in the lobby, there must be a security reason for them, which prompted him to make the FOIA with Chicago police for the crime statistics in the hotel since illegal migrants have been housed there.
The response to Newsome’s shared Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request regarding crime near the Inn of Chicago unveiled a disturbing reality. Despite not all crimes being directly attributed to illegal immigrants or city employees, the surge in crime demands attention.
The report, linked below, was obtained for the Inn of Chicago from the time period of Jan 1st, 2023, to Feb 2nd, 2024, and shows a direct link between illegal aliens and crimes at and around the hotel. Everything from domestic battery, driving without a license, neglect or abuse of a minor, child endangerment, assault, and more can be seen in the report, with nearly 200 pages of police reports detailing each crime.
See the full report:
And this does not take into consideration the crimes illegals from the facility have committed outside the premises.
Simply stated, the Inn of Chicago is a hotbed of crime thanks to the city’s decision to fill the facility with illegal migrants. And remember, this is only one of the dozens of locations throughout the city being used to house them.
Here are a few examples:

In sanctuary cities like Chicago, distinguishing between legal and illegal residents is challenging, complicating efforts to address rising crime rates. The revelations from Newsome’s FOIA request, however, do show a direct correlation between illegal migrants and crime. Adding one more beat to the drums of the American citizens’ sentiment against the open border policies of Joe Biden.
Although there’s much left to uncover, these findings prompt a call to action. Bergquam and Newsome urge further investigation into the relationship between immigration and crime and call out the mainstream media and liberal politicians for their propaganda and outright lies on the topic.
More examples of what is in the report:

Newsome’s initiative demands broader scrutiny into the impact of open borders policies. As Bergquam emphasizes, this report signals the beginning of a deeper understanding of the consequences of unchecked immigration, urging Congress to intervene and address the issues laid bare by their findings. It’s time for FOIAs on every location housing illegal migrants. And it’s past time that we close the border and hold those responsible for this invasion accountable!
For additional reporting by Ben Bergquam please watch his “Law & Border” series on Real America’s Voice News or follow him on social media @BenBergquam.
Please email interview request for Terry Newsome to tmn6881@gmail.com or for interview requests or tips on illegal alien stories in your community, please email Ben Bergquam at Ben@FrontlineAmerica.com