Bergquam: “We Are Importing Thugs And Terrorists”

Ben Bergquam is a top investigative reporter for Real Americas Voice, and he is the founder of Frontline America. Bergquam appeared on the War Room Pandemic with Steve Bannon on Thursday to talk about the massive Democrat fraud and ensuing danger to Americans caused by Joe Biden’s open border policies between the USA and Mexico. … Read more

New Avacado Suspension Shows Turf Wars We Are Importing Into USA

How much do Americans love our avocados?  Well, we will have to love them a little less, because there is a new suspension on Mexican Avocados that Americans are not hearing much about yet. “Mexico has acknowledged that the U.S. government has suspended all imports of Mexican avocados after a U.S. plant safety inspector in … Read more

Opinion: Garland Must Recuse From Anything To Do With Clinton

According to court documents, John Durham is talking about several crimes involving Hillary R. Clinton in what is likely the most significant political corruption scandal of our lifetimes. Attorney General Merrick Garland, the US  Attorney General, has numerous conflicts of interest, which should cause him to recuse himself of anything to do with Clinton and … Read more