Americans Are Not Prepared To Resist Evil, Where Is The Catholic Church? Conversations With Mary Flynn

Like the Travis Scott concert in Texas, recent stories in the news have shown the demonic consequences of leftist Satan Worship in America.

Frightening deaths caused by human actions, after a bombardment of pro-death -messaging, branding, and PR- into American culture and institutions have forced many Americans to examine their faith in God.

And that is after years of watching political corruption that impacted specific Americans, more than others. One member of those families is speaking out now about her political experiences, her religious wisdom, and her solution: The Catholic Church needs to fix itself up and lead people out of the darkness. 

“Remember that the timing for all things is the Lord’s.  Think of how we have waited for John Durham’s report.  So many people lost hope, and now something is happening, but the timing has to be perfect. Just recently two people have been indicted, right? That is just like our fight on Heaven and Earth,” Mary Flynn O’Neill, sister of General Michael Flynn, told me.

“But where is the Catholic Church to lead people away from the very dangers that will harm humanity? ” she asked, setting up a series of answers she wants to share with America.  O’Neill has been a faithful Catholic for her whole life and has a heartful of loving wisdom to share with America about how to make the Catholic Church Great Again.

She ties that together with calling out for more “Lions” to lead the country in government roles, to Mary Flynn the two are tied together. She is not alone.

Although I am not Catholic myself, I want to hear about her ideas because I want the benefits of a strong American Catholic Church as an antidote to the evil left. Moreover, I find her visions for Americans to be extremely comforting. I consider myself to be ‘Messianic”( Evangelical and Jewish), but I have always respected and loved the Catholic people.

Admittedly the Catholic Church confuses me at times, and I do not appreciate this Marxist Pope, something Mary Flynn understands about me and doesn’t try to change about me. However, she knows that I also find a beautiful peace when I listen to Priests talk about the Bible and break down the lessons of Jesus. I personally find Catholic Priests to be the top Biblical scholars.

In that spirit, I believe that these ‘Conversations with Mary’ are just in time for an American Catholic Revival.

“We are being divided up to fight among each other and we are losing the country. We have to come together and the Catholic Church needs to lead again, because Catholics have a very special understanding of the evil we face.  Many people may not understand the tools we have, as Catholics, and I want to share that with Americans. They need to know because they are not prepared for the battles we face right now,” O’Neill told me, recalling a lifetime of preparation for this kind of leadership.

O’Neill, who as a child prepared homilies for her siblings,  shared with me beautiful stories about growing up with a determined pro-life, Irish Catholic family.  Full of servants for God and the country. O’Neill talks about her Mother and shares with me some of her cherished dreams, which are so full of comforting inspiration  –  and now it is time to share them, so she has agreed to put some ideas down for us.


“The Catholic Church needs to address the problems of the past.  By not doing so, they have left faithful Catholics discouraged and many Catholics have fallen away from the church, which has damaged America and left us all unprepared for fighting Globalism and the evil we see,” she said.


“The Catholic Church, and other churches, need to accept that they can not force people to worship what the Globalists want us to worship. We have religious liberty to not worship as the government demands. We have individualism and different ways of worship. With the idea of One religion, we are stripped of our religious freedoms,” she told me.


“As Catholics, we have the Blessed Mother, Angels, Saints and we talk about the mysteries and dark energy like we are seeing out there right now. The Lord loves the people who question, and that is important to remember, that is also very Catholic.  We believe that we are surrounded by our loved ones and they are there to help us.  As Catholics we believe that we learn through suffering, and these are lessons that Americans could benefit from right now. We embrace the suffering of Jesus so we don’t forget and we know we suffer and knowing that gives us hope that we will survive,” O’Neill shared.


“The church is not a building; the church is the people. In America, the church building sold us out.  They sold us out to the Government if you think about it.  With the introduction of the tax status, the church came under the power of the Government. So now the church is like Pharisees, and now we are where we should not be.  So now, more than ever, we are confused, and so much bad stuff is going on. That is why I am opening up about the Catholic Church.  I don’t want people to be fearful, and I want to remind people that the Lord is looking for courageous people, and that begins with the way we treat life.

MESSAGE TO AMERICANS: Pray. Pray for more Lions to step up and serve America in political leadership. Second, pray for the Church building leadership to repent and fix what they did. Finally, pray for the healing of our faithful people.

This will be an ongoing series with Mary Flynn O’Neill.