Pro-Life Candidates Cleaned Up Virginia In Massive Rebuke To Death Merchant Democrats

Republicans in Virginia ran hard on a prolife platform after the diabolical and horrifying behavior of Democrat Governor Ralph Northam. Northam celebrated the slaughter of innocent human life and disturbed the consciousness of Americans everywhere.

On Tuesday, in Virginia, voters pushed back against the left, very hard, and elected pro-life candidates after a decades-long campaign to protect life.


On Wednesday Todd Gilbert, VA House Republican leader, released the following press statement:

“Virginia voters made an historic statement, delivering a clear rebuke of the failed policies of the last two years and electing Republicans up and down the ballot.

“In addition to electing Glenn Youngkin, Winsome Sears, and Jason Miyares, voters have given Republicans a majority in the House of Delegates. We have clearly won six seats previously held by Democrats and we are excited to welcome Jason Ballard, Tara Durant, Kim Taylor, Otto Wachsmann, Tim Anderson, and A.C. Cordoza to the oldest continually-elected legislative body in the new world. Congratulations to each of them, as well as Mike Cherry, Marie March, Phil Scott, and Wren Williams on their elections.

“We are grateful to Virginians who place their trust in us, and we look forward to immediately going to work with Governor-elect Youngkin and his administration to restore fiscal order, give parents the voice they deserve in education, and keep our Commonwealth safe. Our work begins now.”


“We need a Republican majority in the House of Delegates to help protect innocent life. Without that, Democrats will pass an extreme pro-abortion agenda,” Kirk Cox said in 2019 after the Governor of the state shocked the entire nation with his depravity.

WGN reported on Northam’s performance and what it meant to people: 

Virginian Paul Perrone has only two bumper stickers on his family cars. They both say, “Infanticide is evil.”

The slogan, he explained, is a reminder of Gov. Ralph Northam’s words on the radio in 2019. When an interviewer asked him about abortions up to the moment of birth, Northam responded with a hypothetical about a child with “severe deformities” or who is unlikely to survive. “If a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen,” Northam said. “The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.”

Perrone heard the clip while listening to a local Christian radio station. The Democratic Governor’s implied approval of infanticide shocked him. “There was a big public outcry for a while, and it fizzled out,” Perrone remembered. But it stuck with him.

Two years later, it’s on his mind as Virginia approaches elections on Tuesday. The two gubernatorial candidates have taken different approaches to the abortion debate: While Republican Glenn Youngkin has a pro-life stance, Democrat Terry McAuliffe has tried to use the national furor surrounding the issue to galvanize his base. For voters like Perrone, McAuliffe’s connection to Northam’s radical pro-abortion agenda is enough to encourage a vote for Youngkin, even though he doesn’t take the strong pro-life stance they want.

McAuliffe has expressed support for the late-term abortion bill that Northam defended in that 2019 radio clip. Perrone cited abortion as the main reason he, his wife, and his daughter cast their early votes on Oct. 21 for Youngkin and the rest of the Republican ticket: “It is the most important issue to us.”

McAuliffe lost on Abortion, their most important issue because Virginia voters are sick of the left’s obsessions. It really is very clear.

Pro-life Candidates who won in VA: