SAVED: Member Of Antifa Who Harrassed Christians In Portland, Gave His Life To Jesus [VIDEO]

America is going through a crisis and a revival simultaneously. While the news media and social media are full of stories of the danger zones, taking time to look for the revival is an essential part of our national healing process.  Here is a story that gives us an absolute miracle. After an Antifa Riot in Portland, a revival happened.

Bottom line: This is the real hope in the world.  Welcome home to our brother in Christ.

This week, the news showed that a group of worshipers and a Pastor visiting from Poland were attacked in Portland, Oregon. Andy Ngo, who reports extensively on Antifa, reported on the details.


A group of Christians continued to worship without withdrawing from the area, holding their ground, shortly after the attacks.

“As it turns out, that worship ended up ringing true for at least one self-professed Antifa member, who gave his life to Christ,” reported Dan Andros for Faithwire News.

Key Point: American Antifa is a group of people who have quite often been misled by the left and led astray by a political system that has used them as foot soldiers in a Marxist revolution. Many are young and have been indoctrinated by a system that American voters have neglected for decades.  The American church needs to be there to show them a different life. American revival leaders are rising.

Faithwire News reported:

‘We Didn’t Back Down’: Christians Respond to Portland Antifa Attack With Massive Worship Rally

One day after a shocking and disturbing attack on a Christian prayer event in Portland, Oregon, Christians rallied in that same location for a massive gathering to sing and worship God.

Sean Feucht, best known for his work as a volunteer worship leader at Bethel Church, led the large gathering and even claimed one member of Antifa who came to disrupt, ended up getting saved.

Members of Antifa showed up in Portland last night to threaten, harass, bully and intimidate us. A mom and her baby were tear gassed. Antifa stood 10 feet from me as we lifted our voices in praise, but we didn’t back down. We kept worshipping and God moved powerfully! (1 of 2)

— Sean Feucht (@seanfeucht) August 9, 2021

“Members of Antifa showed up in Portland last night to threaten, harass, bully and intimidate us,” he wrote on social media today. “A mom and her baby were tear gassed. Antifa stood 10 feet from me as we lifted our voices in praise, but we didn’t back down. We kept worshipping and God moved powerfully!”


Lifesite has more great details in their article.


“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”

America is under attack on many different levels. Some leaders are emerging who understand the mistakes numerous generations before us have made that got us into the crisis.


We have neglected to teach a love for America and our civics process, and we have failed to teach a reverence for a higher power than ourselves.  Historically in America, many people find all of those lessons in the American church. Christians are called to look to the future and walk out our faith now more than ever.

The American church was foundational in building our nation and our civic society and will be in the revival of our great nation.  There is evidence that Christians will succeed when they come together to build something good, and here is proof that the love of Jesus will reach Antifa too.

OUR MISSION FIELD IS AMERICA: If we don’t build a Christian nation here on our own ground, no one can find us.