Watch Jamaal Bowman Blow Off Independent Media, then Lick Corporate Media’s Boots LIVE [VIDEO]

Disgraced Democrat US Rep. Jamaal Bowman showed his disdain for the ‘little people” as Real America’s Voice correspondent Ben Bergquam tried to talk to him.

Bergquam, who is clearly identified as a member of Real America’s Voice, asked questions of Bowan over his illegal actions of disrupting a vote on the floor for a speaker this month- and Bowman refused to answer any of Bergquam’s questions.

See our coverage of the day Bowman pulled a fire alarm in the US Capitol as a vote there was being cast :

Bergquam was on the scene in DC to interview members of Congress and tried numerous times to engage Bowman and ask him about his thoughts on topics like – how J6 prisoners have been treated and why he did what he did:

“They love it when it is the fake news,” Bergquam said as he tried to get Bowman to answer some questions. The footage is remarkable because it shows Bowman’s refusal to answer Bergquam and his questions and THEN get into character and, like an actor in a scene- respond to a gaggle of media press and their questions.

More footage from Bergquam’s recent DC trip: