Dear Joe Biden: Where Is $450,000 For Angel Moms?

In one of the most inhumane and abusive moves against the American people, Democrat Joe Biden and his Democrat administration had devised a scheme to funnel a massive amount of wealth to illegals, who broke into the country, claiming that President Donald J. Trump caused them to be separated from thief child when they broke … Read more

Exclusive Report: ‘ Leftist NGOs Are Aiding the Enemy On The Border’

Ben Bergquam is a top investigative reporter who is brave enough to bring stories to the American people that Democrat Joe Biden does not want the American people to see. “Cartel Trafficking Trails between Texas and New Mexico Supported by Biden’s Open Borders Policy,” Bergquam titled his most recent video.  Bergquam, the founder of Frontline … Read more

Whistleblower Blows Merrick Garland’s Cover On Unequal Treatment Under The Law

The US House Judiciary Committee broke a massive story on Tuesday, that the US Department of Justice, led by Merrik Garland, has been spying on parents and preparing to “target parents”. The Washington Times reported: “Republican lawmakers say a whistleblower sent them an internal FBI email that shows the counterterrorism unit is monitoring threats against school-board members, … Read more

Rittenhouse Prosecutor Aims At Jury With Finger On Trigger

If the Prosecutor in the Rittenhouse trial hasn’t gone insane, then I would love to hear the explanation for why the Prosecutor aimed a riffle at the Jury in the case, with his finger clearly on the trigger of the gun, complete with a darkly menacing look on his face. This is the second high-profile … Read more

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