Real Great Reset? The Precinct Strategy Is Working, According To The Left, Who Are Very Afraid Of Looming Mid-Terms

While Democrats are seeing their political strategies falling apart before their eyes and seeing their top politicians losing all appeal to voters, the right is gathering steam and getting more organized than they ever have- with their actions that are working, even by the left’s standards. Republicans are driving people into the Republican party, and … Read more

MASSIVE! Gov. Roy Cooper’s COVID Appointee Busted For $46 Million In Medicare Fraud

One of Democrat Governor Roy Cooper’s top North Carolina COVID appointees to handle the State’s emergency response for the COVID virus has been indicted on federal charges claiming that she collected over 46 Million dollars in fraudulent funds from unnecessary procedures and faulty billing to Medicare. Key Point: Cooper placed a known Democrat activist, Anita … Read more

Vaccines At SCOTUS-Thomas Trends Early, Activist Justices Make Notable Stand To Keep Fear Tactics In Place

At the US Supreme Court (SCOTUS)  on Friday, Justices are hearing arguments over Democrat Joe Biden’s workplace mandate about COVID-19 vaccine requirements for health care workers and businesses with at least 100 workers. In a clear disregard for the authority of the US Constitution, the liberal activist justices focused on the efficacy of the vaccine … Read more

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