Wasted Security Wall: ‘It’s like Taking Money Out Of Your Wallet And Burning It’, Bergquam Interviews Admiral Kubric About His Wall Project

Ben Bergquam is learning, first hand, about the complexity and the tug of war between politicians and lawmakers, citizens and border town residents, activists, and Presidential administrations when it comes to funding a Southern Border security Wall. Recently, Bergquam interviewed Admiral Chuck Kubic, who has extensive personal experience as a Navy contractor dealing with both … Read more

Treasonous “People’s War”: Trevor Loudon Tells Bergquam How BLM & CCP Used COVID To Change The 2020 Election

Ben Bergquam interviewed, author of White House Reds, and public speaker, Trevor Loudon from CPAC about his concentrated work on the dangers of ignoring the Chinese Community Party’s (CCP) rising power and authority in the United States of America. Berquam focused his interview with Loudon on the CCP’s involvement with the COVID virus and what … Read more

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