‘Fundamental Transformation Of America’ Pushed Back: Biden’s Reversal Of Trump’s America First Policy At Border

A U.S. federal judge on Friday smacked down Democrat Joe Biden and his administration and sided with officials in Texas and Louisiana who were challenging a treasonous border policy in court, which allowed an invasion into the United States of America. In the crosshairs was a Biden directive issued last September by the Department of … Read more

Undercover Whistleblower: “There Is So Much Money In The Refugee Game, Everyone Has To Be A Refugee”

In an exclusive interview, Ben Bergquam recorded footage of himself talking to a worker with the Unaccompanied Minors Program who exposed a highly corrupt operation, that is funded by US Taxpayers. This story shows why everything is an emergency response with the Democrats- because then they never have to follow any laws- and they can … Read more