Exclusive: These Are The Tactics Of Invasion Joe Biden Accepts, Even When They Result In Death Of Innocent Americans

It really isn’t funny to see a carload full of illegal invaders shoved into a car, driving recklessly around American roads and jeopardizing Americans- but someone has to point out the insanity of Democrat Joe Biden’s open border policies that tolerate high-speed chases and crashes, bailouts that lead to foot races, and deaths that result. … Read more

Bergquam Stopped From Filming Invasion By National Guard!

Ben Bergquam posted a video titled: “Joe Biden and Gov Abbott using National Guard to Aid the Invasion of America and Silence the Press!” In the video below, Bergquam squabbles with a determined member of the National Guard, who wanted to prevent Bergquam from filming the invasion at the Southern Border. See off in the … Read more

Can You Hear Me Now? Parents Use The “P-Word” To Make A Point, After Nothing Else Works

Masked parents, holding graphic illustrations of children engaged in sexual acts, at a recent Wake County North Carolina school board meeting gathered together to plead with the members of the board to use their authority as school officials to take parent’s concerns seriously over a handful of books that are found on school property. Parents … Read more