Watch Arrogant Bernie Sanders Run Away From Ben Bergquam After Admitting Working Class Funds DC Elite Lifestyle

On a recent trip to Washington, Dr, Ben Bergquam, the founder of Frontline America, who is also a reporter for Real Americas Voice, stone-cold-busted Democrat Senator Bernie Sanders for his obvious disdain for the working-class people of America. Sanders, whose only job in life has been in politics, and who sold out his own supporters … Read more

Maryland Sherriff Tells Bergquam About Drug Crimes Connected To Mexican Drug Cartels And Biden’s Open Borders

On Wednesday, Bergquam appeared on the popular show with Bannon to update him about the devastating effects of lawless illegals being allowed to commit crimes against American families. Bergquam interviewed an Angel Sister and a Sherriff for two stories that should shake lawmakers. A woman Bergquam interviewed explained the painful story of her brother’s death … Read more