Live Coverage: ‘Cartel Control the Borders So People Pay With Money Or With Their Lives To Cross And Democrats Support That’

Ben Bergquam the founder of Frontline America took his viewers to Nogales Arizona to a border town to show the homes and small communities who were impacted by Democrat Joe Biden’s open border policies. Bergquam is a reporter for Real America’s Voice and a frequent guest on The Wardroom Pandemic with Steve Bannon, to talk … Read more

Palm Sunday Interview: Live With Couy Griffin, Cowboys For Trump, Shocking Details Of Arrest And Imprisonment

Ben Bergquam, founder of Frontline America interviewed Couy Griffin, a Republican Country Commissioner in New Mexico and founder of Cowboys of Trump. “I was a pastor and a business owner, and I got into politics because I didn’t feel like I had a voice in politics here, and I supported President Trump and wanted him … Read more

Bergquam Makes A Plea: ‘Investigate the Non-Government Organizations (NGO) That Are Funding People Crossing Illegally!’

Ben Berquam recorded live footage in Eagle Pass Texas on his tour of the Southern Border, highlighting the explosive human crisis there to bring Americans the story that the mainstream media would not discuss. “What we need to know. Who is profiting from this invasion? We know the Democrats have caused this and do not … Read more

“Active Scene”Border Patrol In Pursuit of Men From Mexico, Captured Coyotes

Ben Bergquam recorded live footage of a confirmed chase of men on the ground by the American Border Patrol. “Please share this everywhere and show Americans what is happening. God bless our Border Patrol. We just happened upon this, “Bergquam said. Berquam is joined by two other independent journalists. Will Johnson from United America First … Read more