Impeachment and House Spending: Ripping the Veil Off the Leviathan

If the President of the United States gets busted taking bribes and selling his access to his government positions, what is going to happen to everyone else below him- who also took bribes and did the same things? We are about to find out.

In what is likely the ultimate showdown for the authentic soul of the American Nation, spectators who are paying attention to dueling House hearings on Thursday are witnessing what is expected to be the final act in a mega drama to see if Americans can retain the power to choose who governs over them.

Alternatively, the American people are facing a parasitic class of lobbyists and special interests, some obviously foreign, who have caused our system to break down so much -that the only way to get out of the horror they have created is, possibly, the death of our historic Nation.

Two issues are unfolding at breakneck speed at this moment. Actions by a few rebellious Populist Republicans are forcing the unveiling of misdeeds and allegiances in the rest of the government body, who prove their acceptance of the ‘woke-Marxist-Debt riddled’ Revolution that has been designed to bring America to its knees and brought under globalist control.

The resistance to heedless funding from about 8 House of Reps is forcing our other elected civil servants, their allies and the media to choose a side to run with- either the functional dyspepsia of the US Government or -the liberty and freedom of our Constitutional Republic.

On Thursday, the entire US House is facing a looming shutdown, which has panicked the Administrative State, and simultaneously, the House Oversight Committee held its first Impeachment hearing for Democrat Joe Biden.

US Rep. Comer, chairman of the US Oversight Committee, opened the Impeachment process with a statement citing a simple concept, saying that selling his influence, Joe Biden was selling the “Biden Brand” to many people, saying that “Biden lied about it even after uncovering wire transfers”, hinting that the Biden was very comfortable in a town like DC to have been caught selling his position.

For Proof-Comer said that even Just this week, a large wire transfer was uncovered that was directed to Joe Biden from the Chinese Communist Party:

Yet- what the Democrats in the hearing were committed to was not how such things would sound to the American people. What Democrat leader US Rep. Jamie Raskin was interested in doing was dragging in the administrative state’s favorite scapegoat- President Donovan J. Trump.

And the corporate media is right there to help spread the Biden Brand messaging.


Consider how propaganda media, like NPR, is covering the Impeachment trial, ignoring the massive financial fraud by 9 members of the Biden family, like the investigation is all nothing more than a political witch hunt against a Democrat President:

“House Republicans are holding their first hearing for an impeachment inquiry for President Biden.

It’s been an event nearly a year in the making.

Republicans promised they would try to impeach Biden as soon as they took over the House of Representatives last November. Now, their time has come.

Republicans have zeroed in on Biden’s son, Hunter, and have attempted to make the case that the president benefited from his son’s business dealings.”


And compare that to how Populist leader Steve Bannon from the War Room is breaking down the details on Thursday’s War Room program:

“You have to both cut off the spending and understand impeachment. Impeachment, ” Bannon told his audience and the House battle over spending will reveal who in DC embraces the people’s government and who can defend the idea of selling influence.

Bannon is the one I am going to run with, by watching the War Room.

What to pay attention to in Thursday’s War Room program with US Rep. Matt Rosendale:

  1. House Discussions on Spending
  2. Changes in the Debate process
  3. Reps. Boebert, Green, Rosendal changes to funding salaries

What to ask about why spending is so out of control and what it has to do with Biden’s Impeachment:

  1. The Role of a DC Lobbyist and Non-Government Organizations
  2. Why Civil servants like Rep. Raskin will defend blatant fraud
  3. Do the American people still have any power to change the direction DC profiteers want to go?
  4. Where does this culture of greed come from?



Something to consider is US Rep. Matt Gaetz, who has credited the American people with the energy to face down the monsters in DC, and his recent tweet about changes to the out-of-control funding system that was forced because the American people defended the actions of the members who were holding out from giving the government a blank check:

@SpeakerMcCarthy omits the part where @RepRyanZinke admits we forced McCarthy and GOP Leadership to restore regular order and pass single subject spending bills…”


So, if the American people understand this impeachment and demand justice, they are more likely to get it.

“This is the most intense I have seen things in DC,” Bannon told Rosendale on Thursday. They must be. Everyone who has taken a bribe, kickback or done something they should not have done is going to be exposed. The fear is real.

These are the exact times that Rebel Legends are made, which our great-grandchildren will read about. The last question is what side you will run with.

Are you going to run with the Usurpers?

Something to think about: