Political Hit Job: Steve Bannon Indicted For Contempt Of Congress For Growing The Populist Movement

It is because Bannon persisted in building a Populist movement when everyone else moved on to do something else, that you are about to hear this story:

Establishing the two-tiered system of justice in the United States, after decades of seeing no consequences for leftists who have committed crimes against the American people- Americans are again confronted with the ultimate political hit job on Steve Bannon.

On Friday it was announced that Bannon has been indicted for “Contempt of Congress” , something that others have been charged with, resulting in no charges. However, Bannon, a Conservative-Populist is facing arrest as of Friday.

“Steve Bannon has been indicted by a federal grand jury, @SchneiderCNNreports. Prosecutors presented an indictment and arrest warrant to a federal magistrate on Friday afternoon, according to CNN reporters in the magistrate courtroom,” CNN reported.

Many people remembered on social media on Friday, that Eric Holder was found in Contempt of Congress over his role in a scheme called Fast and Furious, and not arrested, because he was under Obama, who did nothing.

Bannon joins others who faced political persecution-Donald Trump,  Roger Stone, Paul Manafort and General Mike Flynn and others have also faced the fury of the left through the process of lawfare.

The AP reported: 

Steve Bannon, a longtime ally of former President Donald Trump, was indicted Friday on two counts of criminal contempt of Congress after he defied a subpoena from the House committee investigating the Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol.

The Justice Department said Bannon, 67, was indicted on one count for refusing to appear for a deposition last month and the other for refusing to provide documents in response to the committee’s subpoena. He is expected to surrender to authorities on Monday and will appear in court that afternoon, a law enforcement official told the AP. The person was granted anonymity to discuss the case.

The indictment came as a second witness, former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, defied his own subpoena from the committee on Friday and as Trump has escalated his legal battles to withhold documents and testimony about the insurrection. The chairman of the Jan. 6 panel, Mississippi Rep. Bennie Thompson, said he will recommend contempt charges against Meadows next week.

Attorney General Merrick Garland said Bannon’s indictment reflects the Justice Department’s “steadfast commitment” to ensuring that the department adheres to the rule of law. Each count carries a minimum of 30 days of jail and a sentence of up to a year behind bars.

Bannon’s attorney did not immediately respond to a message seeking comment.

This is not the first time Bannon has faced legal peril. In August of last year, he was pulled from a luxury yacht and arrested on allegations that he and three associates ripped off donors trying to fund a southern border wall. Trump later pardoned Bannon in the final hours of his presidency.

Meadows had been in discussions with the committee since his subpoena was issued in September, but his lawyer said Friday that Meadows has a “sharp legal dispute” with the panel as Trump has claimed executive privilege over the testimony.

Thompson had threatened contempt charges against Meadows in a letter to the lawyer, George Terwilliger, on Thursday, saying that if he failed to appear to answer the committee’s questions Friday it would be considered “willful non-compliance.” The committee would first have to vote on the contempt recommendation, then the full House would vote to send it to the Justice Department.

Bannon is the national leader of a massive Populist movement and the host of a very powerful podcast called the War Room Pandemic.

What Americans know is that Bannon’s arrest will be viewed as political persecution and something that is commonly recognized as a daily occurrence at this point.