Kennedy Calls Out Biden’s Communist Pick In Senate Hearing

Before the Marxist usurpations, when America was accustomed to having grown-ups lead the country, people expected Senators to investigate who was being handed the levers of power over the lives and welfare of Americans. As the government has grown to an out of control size and found ways to invade American families from cradle to … Read more

“Close The Gate!” Dems Shown As Enemies Within, Battle Of Citizens Groups Exposed

Ben Bergquam, the top investigative reporter for Real Americas Voice and the founder of Frontline America, recently reported from the Southern Border wall to show Americans how subversive the Democrat Party behaves in the face of our greatest dangers. Key Point: The IBWC, A Democrat-dominated Citizen-led, federally funded- agency, has the power to breach a … Read more

Harris Is POTUS Today

For over 50 years, Democrats have worked tirelessly day and night to replace the American Republic with a Communist Utopia’ Democracy’ using many subversive tactics. On Friday, Nov. 19, 2021, anti-American Marxists have reached utopia. “US President Joe Biden will transfer power to Vice-President Kamala Harris briefly as he undergoes his regular health check. President … Read more

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