Democrat’s Border Schemes Would Enable MS-13, Pelosi Unmoved From Admiration Of Gang

The debate over border issues has taken on a perilous turn as Republican Rep. Peter Sauber from Minnesota has gone to the public with his immediate concerns over Democrat Joe Biden’s policies, claiming that Congress is enabling foreign gang members with financial incentives to cross into America. To make it worse, Democrats, led by Nancy … Read more

There Is No Easy Way To Tell You This: Ben Found ‘Condoms, Lube, Kids Clothes Dumped On American Soil!’

Ben Bergquam has been reporting live from the Southern Border to bring Americans the evidence that there is a humanitarian crisis happening because of Democrat Joe Biden’s disastrous policies. Bergquam has been on Real America’s Voice, Just The News, and Steve Bannon’s War room on and off for weeks, informing audiences what has happened since … Read more

‘Politicians Know Open Border Policies Help The Cartel’ Ben Bergquam Said, ‘This Is A War Wagon For Border Patrol’

Ben Bergquam, a reporter for Real America’s Voice and founder of Frontline America, has spent time in the Southern Border bringing media outlets fist hand, investigative reports from what is being called a massive humanitarian crisis by lawmakers, citizens, and politicians on both sides of President Donald J. Trump’s border security wall. WATCH VIDEO BELOW … Read more

Must Watch! “These Evil Dems” Leftist Freaks Out As Bergquam Takes On Church Hating Left, Petitions The Lord To Set Them Free

Ben Bergquam, the founder of Frontline American, went deep into a liberal bastion in Fresno, California, to bring attention to liberal attacks on a church there. At the same time, he was recording a strange shadowy figure sat in his car and laid on his car horn in an attempt to disrupt Bergquam’s coverage almost … Read more

Modern Day Slavery: ‘Leftists Train People How to Come Here And Then Drive Those People Toward The Cartels,’ Berquam On Just The News

Ben Bergquam, of Real Americas Voice, was featured by Just the News on Monday for his unique in-person reporting on the southern border uncovering a deepening humanitarian crisis which is leading headlines this week as people become aware of the chaotic situation there. “America needs to see this, as hard as it is, they need … Read more

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