North Carolina Senate Urges President Biden to Address Border Crisis, Support Texas, Secure US Border

A growing dispute between Texas and federal authorities over the management of the US-Mexico border in Eagle Pass, Texas, escalated when Texas authorities blocked US Border Patrol from a 2.5-mile area, including Shelby Park, citing a surge in migrant crossings.

A growing number of Americans are experiencing a sense of increasing anxiety as they witness what seems to be the unraveling of the nation they cherish and rely on for safety. This unsettling scenario unfolds against the backdrop of what some perceive as a lethargic and antagonistic federal government actively contributing to the decline of the United States—an indispensable symbol of hope and freedom.

Yet, not everyone aligns with the federal government’s approach. Amidst the federal government’s actions targeting Texas, there are bold state governments, particularly those led by Republicans, such as North Carolina, actively urging Democratic President Joe Biden to take decisive measures.

On January 12, after the Texas Military Department seized Shelby Park, two children and a mother drowned nearby.

Texas and US officials are now accusing each other of contributing to the tragic circumstances. The timeline includes instances of Texas restricting access, the drownings, legal actions, and federal efforts to reopen the area.

The Department of Homeland Security set deadlines for Texas to comply, with ongoing tensions over border security measures.

In a Friday afternoon news release, the Biden administration disclosed a record-breaking Southwest Land Border Encounters report, revealing that Border Patrol agents apprehended nearly 250,000 migrants along the US-Mexico border in December.

This marks a 12% increase from the previous year and over 11% more than the Biden-era record set in May 2022. The report shows that in the first quarter of Fiscal Year 2024, the total southwest border encounters reached nearly 630,000, with over half classified as single adults.

The Tucson and Del Rio Sectors accounted for over 150,000 of the December apprehensions. The report also highlights a rise in encounters with migrants from countries other than Mexico and the Northern Triangle, particularly Venezuelans and Chinese nationals.

Unofficial Border Patrol reports for January suggest a significant decline in apprehensions, attributed to seasonal trends and increased efforts by Mexican authorities.

On the same day, Friday, the NC Republican-led Senate, led by Republican President Pro Tempore Senator Phil Berger, released a letter demanding that Joe Biden act to protect the American people:

January 26, 2024
The Honorable Joseph R. Biden, Jr.

President of the United States
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, D.C. 20500

Dear President Biden:
Since taking office, your policies and derelict leadership have left border states helpless in securing the southern border. Your failures have resulted in a full-scale emergency, with states like Texas having no choice but to fend for themselves. Instead of offering assistance to our southern border states, your administration has gone out of its way to obstruct efforts by Texas to guard illegal points of entry.

As elected officials in the North Carolina Senate, we know firsthand the consequences of your failure to secure the border. We wrote to Secretary Mayorkas last April highlighting the surge in drug overdoses in North Carolina caused by your open-border policies, and we asked for action.

Since then, the situation has only gotten worse. Clearly, our call went unanswered. We are writing to call on your administration to stop thwarting Texas from effectively guarding the southern border. The United States is facing a national security crisis with real threats of crime, drug trafficking, and terrorism. North Carolina stands with Texas and it’s time your administration stops impeding Gov.
Greg Abbott from protecting his state and our nation.


Phil Berger

(Signed by the North Carolina Republican Senate)



A second deadline set by the Department of Homeland Security for Texas to agree to fully reopen disputed parts of the Shelby Park area to federal Border Patrol agents.

“By January 26, 2024, please confirm that the State will provide U.S. Border Patrol with the access described above,” DHS General Counsel Jonathan E. Meyer wrote in a letter to Paxton. “If the State refuses the requested access in part, but not in whole, please specify what access you intend to deny.”

This is another reminder that Americans need to be involved with the civic process, and make plans to vote for better leadership: 

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More of our coverage of how we got here:

‘Fundamental Transformation Of America’ Pushed Back: Biden’s Reversal Of Trump’s America First Policy At Border