Trump Makes Move For New Social Media And TV Platforms

When Donald J. Trump opened his “office of 45” to directly communicate with Americans about his plans and ideas, the left was very upset.  Mostly they were upset because they believed in their hearts they had properly subdued their enemy with their ownership of the men and women who run social media companies and internet … Read more

Leaked Phone Call! Principal Demands Access To Medical Records Of Disabled Child Over Mask Exemption

A principal in North Carolina refused to allow a Kindergarten student back to school after her mother applied for a medical exemption to mask her child over the medical concerns of two medical practitioners, claiming the child has a processing-sensory disorder that is complicated by masks. To make it worse, the school principal demanded access … Read more

PROOF: The Left Pushes Public Policies To Protect And Advance Their Sexual Fetishes

The American left, over the decades, has often been the champion of public policy that contradicts American traditions and protects lifestyle choices and sexual preferences that are confusing to many people. “Culture is upstream from politics,” Andrew Breitbart used to say- and he was so right. Unfortunately, the left’s culture has shaped our lives, whether … Read more

Invasion By The Numbers

Some American media outlets have noticed what Ben Bergquam has been reporting for weeks; people from all over the world are risking their lives to cross the southern border of the United States, and their risk-averse behavior is causing conflicts for law enforcement. It is so shocking that even Democrats, like Sherrod Brown, are reacting … Read more

Bill Gates And His Global Communist Power Grab In UK Sets Off Angry Mob [VIDEO]

Humans worldwide are frustrated and growing restless as they begin to understand the dark domination that has been thrust into their private lives by greedy politicians.  Famous figures the media and establishment political circles have pitched to us for decades- as humanitarians-  are being viewed now as monsters because of their creepy demands to control … Read more

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